Today was a pretty lazy day. Most importantly, no chemo.
Between vital sign tests, blood draws, beeping IV pumps, and general disturbances, you really can't get more than a couple hours of uninterrupted sleep at night. As a result, I sneak a couple of naps in during the day.
The Price is Right was good this morning. Somebody got a dollar on the big wheel, but missed any bonus money on the bonus spin. I am not a Drew Carey fan yet - he's pretty funny, but doesn't build up the excitement like Bob Barker did.
They encourage me to walk the floor to get some exercise. Sixteen laps around the ward is a mile, so I did that. I ate a little today, but not much.
Outside of that excitement, just a lazy day. My counts continue to drop and the fatigue is kicking up. It's all been tolerable, thus far.
Tomorrow is day zero and I get my cells back. I am told to expect the the freezing agent to have a very pungent and distinct smell. Some people have said it smells like garlic, some tomato soup, and some creamed corn. I guess I will have my own opinion after tomorrow. Any visitors will also be able to have their vote counted because the agent is passed out of the body through the lungs, so all can smell it. My neighbor is hoping to go home tomorrow before my transplant so she doesn't have to live through the smell again.
That's all for today. Thanks for checking in.