Thursday, December 13, 2007

December 12 - Day Plus 7

I am afraid to say that I am feeling a little better today. As long as I don't move, I do not have any discomfort. It appears that a couple of the busses have backed away and only one remains - it's parked on my head.

My counts are still very low, but may be showing the slightest signs of increasing. I am hoping tomorrow's numbers show an improvement.

It was pretty much a blah day. I got back to the TV routine with the Price is Right and Family Feud. I fell asleep during both, so no special events to report.

I am hoping I have turned the corner and am on my way back up. However, I know not to get too optimistic. I'll just take the fact that I am feeling better as a good thing and not get greedy - yet.

That's all for now. Thanks for checking in.